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2016年03月11日 09:59 编辑:姜凯 点击:[]

        高飞                   卢昱洁                 李茹可

英语播音:高  飞  简介  手机播放 电脑播放 

汉语播音:卢昱洁   简介    手机播放    电脑播放  

英语翻译:李茹可 简介  指导教师:郑海祥



Four Teachers in School of Foreign Languages

Invited in Grading CET4/CTE6 paper


   To enhance the effectiveness of college English teaching, and to obtain authoritative information about CET4 and CTE6, the School of Foreign Languages, with the support of Teaching Affairs Office, earnestly applied and eventually won the opportunity to take part in the grading work of CET4 and CTE6 held in January 2016. The School of Foreign Languages appointed 4 teachers who made up a work team, including Sun Lithe leader,Hou Xiaoli,Li Yue and Song Jia. They attended the 8-day grading work started in Beijing grading cite from January 17 to 24. This is the first time in 10 years for our university to take part in CET4 and CTE6 grading work.

The grading work of CET4 and CTE6 Beijing work cite was organized by Renmin University of China, and it is divided into two stages including pre-work training and formal grading, with all the work being carried out through an online system. The average workload for each person is about 800 pieces of paper in a 9-hour workday. In the stage of pre-work training, the teachers from our university carefully studied and made a in-depth analysis on the grading standards, achieving the aims of this work assignment—to learn about and to obtain authoritative information on CET4 and CTE6 . At the stage of formal grading, the grading work team from our university got over all difficulties and successfully fulfilled the task at CET4 and CTE6 Beijing work cite after long time, labourious grading work. Beijing Education and Examination Direction Center, along with the School of Foreign Languages in Renmin University of China, sent a thank-you letter to our university, in which they highly commented on the performance of our university's grading team, mentioning their work as “the greatest in grading workload and the most standard in terms of grading criteria”.

By taking part in this CET4 and CTE6 grading work, teachers from our university have learned a lot from practical experience and it's beneficial for students in our university to get prepared for CET. On the other hand, these teachers' efforts will practically contribute to the enhancement of the effectiveness of college English teaching and thus to the improvement of the overall level of college English teaching in our university.









我校教师此次参加四、六级考试阅卷工作,收获了宝贵的实践经验,将进一步明确我校学生备考的方向性和针对性,有助于切实提高我校英语教学的实效性,促进我校大学英语教学水平的提高。(教务处 外国语学院)



上一条:【双语新闻】考研喜讯:我院2016届毕业生考研过线人数再创新高! 下一条:【双语新闻】外国语学院4项课题获省高等教育学会“十二五”高校外语教学改革专项2015年度立项


