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2015年10月19日 15:39 编辑:姜凯 点击:[]

汉语播音 卢昱洁

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汉语国际教育专业14级学生,曾获第十届校主持人大赛二等奖、校园新主播大赛二等奖, 现任校园广播站电台部主播,爱好主持、播音、舞蹈、健身。 

英语播音1 罗  艳

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英语播音2 张思琦

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英语播音3  黄琳

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外国语言学及应用语言学专业 15级少数民族骨干研究生(中国科学院), 曾获大学生英语竞赛全国二等奖,第十三届世界合唱峰会银奖,爱好声乐、钢琴。 

    2015年10月14日下午, 汉语国际教育系在国际教育学院204教室举行对外汉语2012级教育实践环节总结汇报会,学院领导赵成发院长、戴功伟副院长,汉语国际教育系全体教师以及2013级汉语国际教育专业全体同学参加了汇报会。




教育实践环节是汉语国际教育专业人才培养方案的重要组成部分。通过教育实习,学生们亲身体验了对外汉语教学的全过程,提高了独立从事教育和教学工作的能力,增强了责任感和使命感,为今后从事教育或其他工作奠定了坚实的思想和实践基础。(韩国廷 文/摄)


英语翻译 指导教师:郑海祥






Chinese International Education Department held a Sum-up Meeting on Students’(Grade 2012) Performance in Teaching Practice


    On the afternoon of Oct.14, 2015, Chinese International Education Department held a sum-up meeting on students’(Grade 2012) performance in their teaching practice. The meeting was held in Classroom 204 in International Education School. Those who attended the meeting includes the leaders of the School of Foreign Studies, including President Zhao Chengfa and Vice-President Dai Gongwei, all the teaching staff as well as students of Grade 2013 in Chinese International Education Department. 

    Mr.Han Guoting first made a summary on the 6-week teaching practice and put forward further specific requirements to the 6  students who were supposed to present teaching reports on their practice.     

    According to the requirements, 6 students including Chen Xi, Gai Ying, Gao Yingshuang, Li Siyi, Zhou Cheng and Zhaoxu, made their teaching reports in turn. 

    Finally, Vice President Dai Gongwei made a summary on their performance. He commented on the teaching reports of the 6 students in terms of teaching manner,teaching design and key points of knowledge.Mr.Dai  emphasized the importance of  teaching practice on the cultivation of new talents in the specialty of Chinese International Education. He encouraged students to attach importance to teaching practice and keep working to prepare themselves for a teaching career as an excellent teacher in the field of Chinese international education. 

    Teaching practice is an important part of teaching and training programs for students majoring in the specialty of Chinese international education. Through teaching process, the students have experienced the whole teaching progress of Chinese international education, further improved their abilities to undertake teaching work independently, and enhanced their sense of duty and their awareness of mission, which have laid a solid foundation in terms of ideological and practice  for their future careers in the field of education and other undertakings. (Written/Shooted by Han Guoting)

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